Monday, February 9, 2009

Thailand's Sex Trade

One of the appalling aspects of this trip to Thailand has been learning more about the sex trade and the ways Westerners (farang) and men from other Asian countries support the explotation of women here. Prostitution is 'illegal' in Thailand, but it's everywhere. Go-go bars, massage parlors, shower bars - all fronts for prostitution. Dee, Alex's Thai girlfriend is 24 and quite lovely. She reports that she cannot go out on the streets of Bangkok (even with Alex) without being approached by men for sex. She says that being with our group is one of the first positive experiences she has had with Westerners, except for her relationship with Alex. Sex tours to Thailand are a hot tourist item, not just for heterosexuals, but also for gays as well.

Two of the young women in our group are studying women's roles in Asia and Alex and Dee took them to some of the sites in the red light district to interview the women. Although child prostitution still happens here, the women report that it is less frequent than earlier, and it's more likely to happen outside the established sites. Some of the bars require the women to have health screenings every 6 months and women can't work if they aren't 'clean.' But there's still lots happening out on the streets. One of the most depressing aspects for the young women who interviewed the prostitutes was that a number of them had college degrees, exploding their ideas that education would make a difference. Some of them said that the money drew them in, as they can earn considerably more than in a bank or office job.

At the bar they visited the women sit on stools behind a glass window with numbers on; men choose the number and the woman leaves to join him in another room. While Lacey and Kelsey were there, the women were not interacting with each other and just stared around straight ahead. The clients were a mix of Europeans, Americans, Thai and Japanese - all ages from early 20s to 60s. The women were mostly 20s and early 30s. According to their informant, the owner of the bar sets the price for each woman depending on her looks and his 'test' of her skills.

The whole situation is quite depressing. Once we heard the story, it was easier to spot the men on the prowl and the women who might be selling their services. Very sad to see this beautiful country 'infected' with this corruption. Seems so at odds with the Buddhist heart of this nation.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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